Sunday, 31 January 2016

Plum, Plums, Plums....plum jam, plum crumble & oh yeah banana cake!

A plethora of plums or maybe a glut of plums found themselves marooned in my kitchen on the bench yesterday. My father in law picked these beauties from his tree and kindly delivered four bags to our house.

What to do, what to do....? Plum jam anyone? Yes please was the resounding reply from the family. I hunted down a recipe from  I read all the reviews and decided that this was the easiest recipe for me to make. You see I've never made jam before ever. I have pickled beetroot and made lemon butter but never made jam. How hard can it be? I've always been put off thinking it was hard.  Well I'm here to inform you it's not hard at all. I found the recipe easy to follow. I used only one kg of sugar instead of the amount in the recipe after reading the reviews.

Here are some of the plums washed and waiting to be chopped.

Cooking on the stove!

All bottled up.......yes twelve and half jars. After I made one batch and it worked out so well I made another batch, well I had all these jars to fill you see....

That was two bags of plums down two more to go. I needed culinary inspiration. Off to the computer and a visit to Lorraine from a fabulous blog I like   Not Quite Nigella  .   What do you know a recipe, plum and pear crumble. Click on the highlighted writing and it will take you to the the recipe and Lorraine's delicious blog. Well mine is minus the pear but I decided that I could live with that. I mean we didn't have  pears anyway.

How delicious does that look? I absolutely love apple crumble so I thought why not plum crumble.

Now when you eat apple crumble you just have to have it with vanilla ice cream. This is just my opinion! So it makes sense that plum crumble and ice cream would be equally delicious. Minor disaster, no disaster  of epic proportions, we were out of ice cream! Luckily I discovered this before the plum crumble went into the oven. I promptly dispatched hubby and my beautiful girl to purchase said ice cream....crisis averted. A bit hard to see vanilla ice cream in a white bowl, but trust me it's there. Oh My Goodness this was so yummy. My mouth is watering just looking at the pictures. What a shame there is half left, we'll just have to have it again tomorrow night, such a hard ship, how will we ever cope? lol

So that's three bags of plums gone, one left. Well that one bag can wait until tomorrow.  I think I'll make up some more of the stewed plums for plum crumble and freeze it in portions.....that way we get to enjoy a few more plum crumbles.......lucky us!!!!! My hubby wants me to make up more jam, um no I will not. Plum crumble is a winner.

And just because I can, well more to the point because we had  six bananas that were looking "a bit thanks for coming" two banana cakes were whipped up. Not to mention we needed some snacks for lunch boxes and to have with a cuppa for morning tea.

So what did you get up to this fine day?
Have a tremendous day.
Cheers Donna


  1. Hi Donna! I'm so glad that you liked the crumble. We are buying so many plums nowadays that I really should make another. :D Yours looks fantastic!

  2. Thanks so much for your lovely comment Lorraine. Thanks to your fantastic recipe it tasted scrumptious! Cheers Donna
